2013 Christmas Display

Here’s some details on my 2013 Christmas display:

PC Software:
LOR S3 Advanced software was used create the animations and drive my display. I don’t sequence my lights to music.

The start up and shut down functions in the Show Editor have been great for automating my show. They allow me to send a short DMX control sequence out to my DMX power control relays at the start and end of each show. That way I don’t have to go out and turn the power supplies on and off each night. Win!

The data from LOR S3 is output via E1.31 (and a network switch) to my 2 controller cabinets. I was using multicast mode, but found that it causes issues with some of my mobile devices (mainly the iPad) using the wireless access point. Changing to unicast solved that.

Controller Hardware:

  • 5, 12 & 30V Mean Well power supplies (one of each type)
  • J1SYS ECG-DR4 E1.31 to 4 port DMX interface
  • J1SYS ECG-PIXAD8 E1.31 to 8 port pixel interface
  • Custom DMX power relay board (also powers ECG-DR4)
  • Custom 2801 pixel to 8 channel DC controllers (qty 4)
  • Custom 8 port P-DMX distributor (one cabinet only)


  • Big W strings for trees and fences
  • 12V 2811 pixel strip for gutter line
  • 12V RGB strip for garage doors
  • 5V and 12V meteor tubes
  • 5V 6803 pixel mini tree
  • Pre-lit popup trees with meteors added
  • 30V LED rope light motifs
  • 30V jumbo candy canes
  • Small red/green star laser