This is my first Halloween project for 2020. The skeleton is a cheap 900mm one I got from Woolworths a couple of years ago, so the prop is scaled down a little to suit him better. All of the wood was from pallets.
The first coats of spray paint (mainly Mission Brown) have gone on to take away the fresh wood look. I’ll put some more coats on later.
The lower board is notched near each end to match the slots in the uprights.
Once lowered into position it locks into place and also keeps the uprights at the correct spacing.
I wasn’t happy with the way I locked the top board to the bottom one, so modified the top area the next day. The top board is now also notched at each end. I cut it slightly more than needed so it could move a little in both directions. This is for possible animation at a later stage.
A block on the top of each upright locks both boards in place.
All assembled again and a little more paint added.