Small Cauldron

Old pots overflowing with fog always look good, so I made this prop on the morning of Halloween.


us_mister1This ultrasonic mister runs from 24V DC.

They are available on eBay for about $5 – $7.

I chose one without LEDs.









cauldronI did attempt to make a bed of glowing coals for the cauldron, but failed big time.

The foam didn’t expand very well at all so I wiped most of it off.

So I went up to the park at the end of my street and grabbed some sticks.









cauldron_fireThe effect from the red and orange LEDs looked surprisingly good at night.

I wanted to add green LEDs under the water but ran out of time on the day.











The updated version for 2016 (finished the day before).

A single high brightness 5mm green LED light the fog.

It was secured in place just above the max water line.

A skeleton frog (bent with a heat gun) hangs over the edge.

Is he escaping or just enjoying a relaxing bath?





For 2016 I added a green LED just under the fog line as well as bubbling sounds.