These spooky eyes are to be partially hidden in a tree or hedge, etc.
The eyeballs are available on eBay for about AUD $5 per pack.
You get 4 pairs of them; grey, green, blue and brown.
The eyes are mounted into the end of 25mm conduit adapters bought from Bunnings.
The adapters were spray painted matt black to blend into the background (tree foliage) better.
Since the eyes are about 26mm in diameter, I used a step drill to bore the end of the adapter out.
Even then the eyes were a tiny bit larger so I had to file the edge of them before they would clip in.
The adapters were mounted into the base of a black plastic box.
These are available from Altronics or Jaycar. Look for “UB3” type.
I spaced the eyes 70mm apart which is a little wider than human spacing.
Each eye has a “dumb” 12V RGB pixel wired in parallel.
A bit of hot melt glue holds the pixels in place.
A cable tail with 4 pin connector exits the box via a cable gland.
I used a bit of foam packing rolled up to keep the pixels centered.
This was handy while the hot melt glue was setting.
Even at 50% intensity white they are quite bright.